Virtual Personal Training

Train with us from anywhere. All you need is a device and good internet connection.

With online training sessions you can train from the comfort of your own home or even while on vacation. Coach Kate and coach Mike will guide you through personalized sessions based on your needs and goals. We focus on ensuring you perform exercises with proper form and advise you on how you can best support yourself outside of sessions.


Scheduled sessions with a healthcare practitioner can keep you committed to your health even when things get tough.

Changing your health habits is one of the hardest thing you can do. There are many factors to navigate and it can feel overwhelming. We will always keep your goals in mind and meet you where you are. Everyone starts somewhere but we can help you get to where you want to be in a thoughtful, sustainable way.

Injury Prevention & Rehabilitation

Practicing proper movement, building strength and improving balance and coordination will allow you to be more resilient and avoid preventable injuries altogether. If you have incurred an injury we will adapt your training to focus on rehabilitation while still encouraging you to train the rest of the body. Thoughtful guidance through times of injury is very important and we are here to help.

Physical training is the best way to prevent injuries and allow you to enjoy activities as we age.

Personal Training Subscription

We are looking for clients who are interested in learning about health and are committed to bettering themselves.

We offer personal training on a recurring monthly membership.

If it sounds like we might be a good fit for you, fill out an application and we will reach out when a spot opens up.

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